“Too Close For Comfort” – my exploration into the boundaries of personal space.

I couldn’t help feeling at least a little sympathy for the man. He was, after all, a business lecturer, and on the way up to his study he had to share the intimate space of a lift with an undergraduate sitting in the corner applying red varnish to her fingernails. When he reached his floor he stormed out and barked back at me: “As a degree student, I would expect you to have more sense than to paint your nails in the lift!”

I was not doing this out of slovenliness. I was – though I didn’t respond to the business lecturer as I giggled quietly to myself – very much at work on my degree. I am a drama student at Anglia Ruskin College in Cambridge and for my module “Performing Theory” I was asked to come up with a three hour act based on a quote of my choice. This was my chance to explore my interest in the boundaries between performer and audience. I did so by examining the, idea contained in “Too Close for Comfort”, an article by Helen Paris, currently a lecturer in drama at Brunel University in London and co-director of the performance art company Curious. How far can one go before the audience feels uncomfortable and when does it start becoming uncomfortable for the performer?

I then looked into the boundaries between private and public space. What actions are taken in private spaces that are just not socially accepted if done in public spaces?  I took a feminist approach to this, asking the question, “Why is it that women are expected to do a number of things in private and never talk about them in public?” These things included shaving, waxing and plucking. It is assumed that these actions are taken but if brought up in conversation it can cause people to feel uncomfortable. So here is where the scheming side of me comes out.

I began to think about a public space that is still intimate. I wanted to have an audience that was continuous, but not stuck with me for the three hours. The lift in the business department was the perfect space. So I found a spare stool from the drama department and trundled down to the lift with my bag of tricks to hand.

Image I then spent the next three hours horrifying most of the business students by clipping my toenails, painting them and my finger nails, shaving my armpits and waxing my legs.

I had a set of rules to follow as I completed the three hours, one of which was to always remain myself and chat to people if they so wished. However, if someone asked me why I was there and what I was doing my reply had to be, “I don’t have much time between lectures and I couldn’t find a spare classroom so I thought I’d get this done quickly here.” With the influence of TV shows such as Trigger Happy TV I had a number of people just about climbing up the walls of the lift desperately in search of a camera, absolutely convinced that this was a trick and they were being filmed for their reactions.

A number of male students asked me out on a date. One guy left the lift, wrote his number down on a piece of paper, popped his head back in and said, “Just seeing you paint your nails in this lift makes me want to take you out, call me.” Suppressing tears of laughter I just smiled sweetly and thanked him…little did he know I was shocked that someone had managed to out-odd me. I had thought I was the strangest thing in that building!

Confusion oozed from the lift. A couple of times people popped their head in to see what I was doing, apologised and said they would take the stairs. It was perfectly, typically English; seeing someone perform a private action, they would feel embarrassed and offer to leave, ever so politely.

The reaction from females was different as they seemed much more comfortable with what was going on. I guess having done these things themselves and understanding the pain of waxing they would congratulate me on doing it and were concerned about how much pain I was in. This created a little momentary relationship which was very pleasant and made me feel even cheekier when an unsuspecting male would walk in.

Some men would look at me in horror as the doors closed on them and they would stand there bursting with embarrassment at what they were witnessing. I had a group of males who seemed to just enjoy the fact I had my bare legs showing. On occasions they would leave the lift only to return with more ogling men, pointing at me and giggling like, well, like schoolgirls. Whoever knew this was a way to seduce a man! They took great interest in choosing which colour I should paint my toe nails arguing between themselves which colour looked better. Pink or Red?

The performance caused such a spectacle that after only a few minutes the university security guards came bustling over to restore order. They looked at me in disbelief and demanded to be told what I was doing, to which I replied, “I don’t have much time between lectures and I couldn’t find a spare classroom so I thought I’d get this done quickly here.” It took only a split second to notice that the security guard was beginning to see red but my lecturer swooped in and rushed them out the lift only to tell them the real truth.

Some may think my audience deserved a real explanation, especially for those who loyally travelled up and down with me but I couldn’t resist leaving the audience with those unanswered questions. My plan was to glide casually out the lift and merge into the surrounding bodies but just as I headed out the lift the guy that had just handed me his number was stood there looking curiously at me. All protection I had by being a performer now evaporated from me and I was left feeling extremely vulnerable. He winked awkwardly at me as a passed him. I opened my mouth to reply but instead felt some random sound be released that had no significance, I don’t think he heard. The shy side of my personality rushed through my cheeks and I wobbled out the room on my jelly legs.

Sampled13 Review

Sampled Festival at The Junction in Cambridge is my chance to binge of live art and I love it! I even took a couple of days to fully digest everything before being able to write about it. My initial thoughts on the festival are super positive; I thought that Daniel Pitt, the Arts Producer of The Junction did a fab job. Although there were many of the same names in the programme as to previous years it was for good reason…these people just produce excellent work and create a buzz around them. I am going to review a couple of them below…breaking it down a bit for you:


For those of you that don’t know, Sampled Festival is a mini live art festival that runs over two days which brings together work-in-progress of theatre companies, most of whom also showcase their work at Pulse Festival in Ipswich and Mayfest in Bristol as preparation for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The Junction describes it as “A jam-packed weekend festival celebrating fresh ideas and the processes of making theatre, dance, live art, circus and everything in-between. Entertainment, ideas and inspiration for audiences and artists; a platform for risk-taking live shows and experiences.”


Here are my thoughts on some of the pieces:


Hannah Jane Walker and Chris Thorpe – “I wish I was Lonely”


This piece is a wonderful mixture of positive and negatives of connecting through social media. With the funny punchy approach and the fantastic delivery the piece was captivating and so beautifully written. They introduce just enough audience participation along with well executed stories to take you on this exploration. The show ended with them asking us to turn to the person next to us and arrange to meet again, anytime, anywhere but do it only through this agreement, not to swap numbers or call to confirm but to make it happen…I wonder how many kept to their word…


Louise Orwin – “Am I Pretty/Ugly”


Dressed in bright pink with overdone make-up and flirting with a camera I was worried I was wasting my time but Louise soon got my attention when she explained her YouTube experiment. Her exploration into teenage girls publically expressing themselves online, especially youtube and asking for constant reassurance by strangers was fascinating. Placing herself as a teenager on YouTube asking people if they thought she was pretty or ugly got some incredible responses by strangers online.  My only criticism was that after this deep exploration she still asked the audience “Am I pretty or ugly” which HAD to be based on her looks alone. This felt redundant now she had taken us on this journey and it made me feel uncomfortable her asking audience members. This is a sad eye opener outlined with a hint of humour and it was right up my street.


Sleepwalk Collective – Karaoke


Snore. When you study drama/theatre you learn of the techniques of taking the audience to different levels and one of them is to keep the audience waiting that they are so bored they enter a new world of thinking…I felt like this is what they guys were doing. To give them some credit, they did describe their piece as “deadpan” but for some reason I didn’t pick up on that. The concept of performing a piece as if it was karaoke sounds like it could be really hilarious but the karaoke elements weren’t there. When I think of karaoke I think of colour, movements, comedy, mistakes, impromptu and spontaneous performance all of which they were asking us to imagine was happening it but I just didn’t feel inspired enough to imagine anything apart from ways I could excuse myself from the room. The show was made of one boy and one girl standing on the stage and speaking from a microphone and the speech was colour coded so they knew who was saying what when. I wanted it to be fun, deadpan in an ironic, dry humour kind of way but it just gave me nothing and I left the space feeling deflated. I feel like these guys have a long way to go before they are ready to present this as a final piece. Sorry guys, it just didn’t do it for me.


TOOT: Be Here Now


This likable group showed us some work they had created over the last 5 days so it was early days but look out for this piece over the next few months, it’s only going to get better! Along with some audience participation in an intimate space these guys made me laugh, reminisce about my first love and pose as a member of Steps as well as banging out some classic tunes and some live singing of their own. They merge music and theatre which makes for a delicious combination!


Helen Stratford: An Architectural Cleaning Tour


When squished in the cupboard I thought maybe this was a joke but I love quirky stuff like this and Helen is so likeable I felt like I was have a private gossip and chat with my best friend. It is what it is, there is no hidden meaning, no political message, no pressure….we just chatted about cleaning and what routine you have if you have any and it was all very pleasant…I highly recommend.


Shatter Resistant: After Party


3 minutes all about you…who wouldn’t love it? Three minutes of two hilarious hosts celebrating you with novelty hats, food on cocktail sticks and a toast to me! Cheers!


From the handful I was able to see this Sampled was made of a really strong group of artists and companies showcasing really interesting work…in fact…it has inspired me enough to work on my own piece…so watch this space!